† teaching for transformation †
“We look to the Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at Jesus and see God’s original purpose in everything related. For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank of angels –everything started in Jesus and finds purpose in Jesus. He was before anything came into existence and in Him all things holds together.”
Colossians 1:15-17

Whether on the mission field or teaching for transformation, Jill Garrett shares the same passionate goal: to make Jesus known in today’s culture in a real and authentic way. She is willing to turn her insides outside in order to give women an up close view of their own hearts. She is known for saying, “people will admire you for your strengths but will connect to you through your weaknesses.”

Connection is the motive behind this website. Connecting to one another and most importantly, connecting to the Life & Teachings of Jesus. Jesus is the One every heart is searching for whether they believe it or not, whether they know it or not.


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    “The Spirit moves through Jill’s heart and engages with the women in the room. Her words meet them right where they are…in the trial, on the journey and through the wilderness. Her words meet them exactly where they are because they are 100% God-breathed!”

    Allison Buscarini

    ‘Jill has a way of taking the Word of God and making to come alive and relate to any challenge we might be facing today. Her love for Jesus pours out onto any group with whom she has the privilege to share her love for the Lord through her gift of teaching!’

    Hannah Chan


    “When I think of Jill I think of Jesus. Jesus is the center of her life, heart, soul, and mind. She is the most engaging, energetic,truth-telling, Bible teacher I have ever experienced in my 47 years on earth. The Lord has gifted her in teaching and leading people to Jesus. Her teaching is real, authentic and energizing. Jill is a Spirit-led teacher with a huge heart for those who are hurting.”

    Renee Miller

    “I’m so grateful for Jill’s passion for God’s Word and her sold out, Spirit led teaching. She’s a girl after God’s own heart and has poured so much of His love and truth into me over the years. There is no place I would rather be than studying God’s Word with the dynamic duo of Jesus and Jill.”

    Kim Dingle


    2404, 2024

    A Suffering Sparrow Finds Her Song

    April 24th, 2024|0 Comments

    by Jill Garrett "Are not 5 sparrows sold for 2 pennies?  And not one of them is forgotten before God.  Why even the hairs of your head are all numbered.  Fear not;  you are more [...]

    112, 2023

    “the little things”

    December 1st, 2023|0 Comments

    “the little things" “Although the smallest of all the seeds, it eventually grows into the greatest of garden plants, becoming a tree for birds to come and build their nests in its branches.” Matthew 13:32 [...]

    504, 2023

    Good Mornin’ Mary-Martha!

    April 5th, 2023|0 Comments

    Christ With Martha and Maria, by Henryk Siemiradzki, 1886. https://prayerbowls.com/a/blog/author/karen-and-tom-berry 03/19/2023 6:30pm 14 minute read by Jill Garrett Jesus said, “There is only one thing worth being concerned about.  Mary has discovered it, and it will [...]

    504, 2023

    Deep Calls to Deep

    April 5th, 2023|0 Comments

    Perfect Love casts out all fear...  “DEEP CALLS TO DEEP” Psalm 42 If you’re anything like me, you’re getting ready to skim! Your physical eyes will quickly go searching with the hopes of landing on [...]